What We Do

What We Do

Kazire Health Products Transforming Lives Through Innovative Pharmaceuticals

This was the original dream held by Edward Nahurira Kazaire from his university training at Makerere University. His undergraduate was biased towards natural product development, particularly herbal medicine. After graduating in 2002 from Makerere University with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Edward worked briefly at the National Water and Sewerage Corporation but resigned shortly after to pursue his dream.

In a dramatic way of handling things, Edward packed his belongings and returned to Rukungiri to pursue his dream of Natural Products Development. Having reached the village, employed distillation to extract menthol from eucalyptus leaves to formulate a cough herbal solution that came to be known as Nocough. The next morning saw him headed to Buyanja Market where the sales were more than expected. Almost everyone who used this medicine healed, eventually, people started presenting other illnesses like ulcers, and malaria among others. In a few weeks, Edward shifted and rented in the next trading centre opening up the first herbal medicine clinic in the region.

The Rise Of Kazire Pharmaceuticals

On May 8 th 2008, Kazire Health Products Limited was incorporated by the Registrar of Companies as a Company Limited owned by two Shareholders i.e., Nahurira Edward Kazire and Evas Tukwasibwe. This was to majorly focus on health juice processing to back up the Kazire Clinic that was already serving people. Processing health-based juice was intended to promote a preventive way of managing lifestyle diseases from people. Other than waiting for people to get sick and come for treatment, Edward decided to embark on promoting the Philosophy of Let Food Be Your Medicine. The first product was the Kazire Lemon Green Tea drink, a pioneer health drink in the Uganda market. Sixteen years down the road, Kazire Health Products has eight drinks under the catalogue of beverages.

Leading the Future of Pharmaceuticals and Wellness

From the pharmaceutical side, two products i.e., Kazire Vidicine for cough, flu and sore throat and Kazire Alsaton for ulcers were notified by the National Drug Authority in 2021 and 2022 respectively. Kazire Vidicine with the help from the Science, Technology and Innovation- Office of the President under the auspices of Makerere Lung Institute, has undergone Clinical Trials and is now being lined up for registration on the National Drug Register.

The company in collaboration with partners like STI-OP and Mbarara University of Science and Technology is undertaking numerous studies in the human, veterinary and crop sectors to counter pathogens and antimicrobial resistance. The company is well equipped with a License to Manufacture Drugs and the Certificate of Suitability of Premises to Manufacture Drugs. More efforts are being undertaken in drug discovery and development focusing on both communicable and non-communicable diseases.